Saturday, October 9, 2010

Permuting the words of a string

10th October, 2010

Given a string, how can you permute all words of the string? The question was asked here.

Given below is the working code. Algorithmic steps can be understood from the comments.

// Prints all the words in the string array
void printTheArray(char *array[], int size)
    static int count;
    int index;

    printf("%d ", count);
    for(index = 0; index < size; index++)
        printf("%s ", array[index]);


// swpping integers is easy, swapping strings nothing but swapping their base
void swapStringPointers (char *stringsVector[], int i, int j)
    char *base;

    base = stringsVector[i];
    stringsVector[i] = stringsVector[j];
    stringsVector[j] = base;

// Actual permutation algorithm (recursive)
void permuteWords (char *stringsVector[], int vectorSize, int processedIndex)
    int currentIndex;

    if (processedIndex == vectorSize)
        // print the vector
        printTheArray(stringsVector, vectorSize);
        for (currentIndex = processedIndex; currentIndex < vectorSize; currentIndex++)
            // No need to swap the same element
            if(currentIndex != processedIndex)
                swapStringPointers (stringsVector, processedIndex, currentIndex);

            // Recursively permute the smaller instances
            permuteWords (stringsVector, vectorSize, processedIndex + 1);

            // No need to swap the same element
            if(currentIndex != processedIndex)
                swapStringPointers (stringsVector, processedIndex, currentIndex);

int main ()
    // Just add one more string if you want to test
    char *strings[] = {"SARI", "GAMA", "PADA", "NISA"};
    int size = sizeof(strings)/sizeof(strings[0]);

    // Prints original array
    printTheArray(strings, size);

    // Permutes all words in the string
    permuteWords (strings, size, 0);

    return 0;

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