Friday, April 22, 2011

Layout Engines - WebKit, Gecko, ...

22, April 2011
Layout Engine:

If we want to display an image on screen, how can we do it? We need an entity that paints the screen with the image content. These links helps as digital diary.
The traditional software frameworks like Windows Form, Qt widget, Java Swings etc. provides functionality to render the screen using static information called objects. There are more sophisticated rendering engines that are part of web browsers. The concept of layout engine came from early development of web (Netscape navigator).
Layout engine is the heart of any web browser; examples are WebKit (Chrome, Safari, Konqueror browsers) Gecko (Firefox, Epic browsers), Presto (Opera browser), Trident (Internet Explorer browser) etc. are few examples of well-known layout engines. Almost all of these layout engines are written in advanced C++.
The concept of layout engines is not limited to browsers. One can use it to design applications that needs screen rendering. For example, the outlook mail client, Winamp player display, RealPlayer displays are based on Microsoft propriety Trident engine. Gecko is also used in Thinderbird email client, Google Picasa, and other Internet application suites.
Examples of Webkit layout engine other than browser application can be found in Qt example code. The Qt documentation application is based on Webkit layout engine. It is interesting to imagine the applications of these layout engines. If we are handy with the engine design and few web standards, we can adopt the engine alone for variety of applications.
With the advancement of Cloud Computing Technology, the computer geeks need a thin client application that connects to a server in cloud. Brower based thin clients are going to play major role in future. Chrome design (see Webkit2 also) and development is one example. IE9 also very interesting. Time will answer well.
Script Engine:
Well, the layout engine itself can’t help much. It should be flexible to program for dynamism. The client side scripting languages like JavaScript play a critical role here. But one needs to parse these scripts in the browser at runtime. The parsing entity is called Script Engine. For more details read about Chakra and V8 script engines. Firefox uses optimized SpiderMonkey as script engine. The performance of script engine contributes to overall performance of browser considerably.
For details on Gecko see this link. For details of WebKit see this link. WebKit wiki. The code is free, start exploring their design and implementation. We can see the practical use of C++, design patterns, advanced C++ idioms, etc.

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